Fetching Events

When visit the events page we fetch the events from the firestore. Let's us see how the events are fetched in detail.


When the EventDashboard page loads useEffect runs and fetchEvents action is dispatched to which filter,startDate, limit is passed. The fetchEvents action in turn dispatches fetchEventsFromFirestore

fetchEventsFromFirestore returns us the snapshot of all the docs with the condition set as follows and limit set to 2 in our case :

  • filter set toall : events greater than startDate will be fetched.
  • filter set to isGoing : events greater than startDate and to which the logged in user is going(by matching attendeeIds with user.id) will be fetched.
  • filter set to isHost : event that logged in user is hosting(by comparing hostId with user.id) and events greater than the startDate will be fetched.

The snapshot of all the documents returned by fetchEventsFromFirestore(2 docs in our case) are then used to calculate lastVisible, moreEvents and events.

const lastVisible = snapshot.docs[snapshot.docs.length - 1];
const moreEvents = snapshot.docs.length >= limit;
const events = snapshot.docs.map((doc) => dataFromSnapshot(doc));

This all is done for pagination. More on it here

Another action FETCH_EVENTS is dispatched that set the redux state as

return {
events: [...state.events, ...payload.events],
moreEvents: payload.moreEvents,
lastVisible: payload.lastVisible,

Detailed state below :

event: {
events: [
hostUid: 'yyGvnLVyU9ZhWwc22kZvkp4XQvp2',
hostPhotoURL: 'https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/events-easy.appspot.com/o/yyGvnLVyU9ZhWwc22kZvkp4XQvp2%2Fuser_images%2Fckl1uknxp0000246211dfg2q9.jpg?alt=media&token=b68b93b9-23b9-4da5-8f01-bac48d6aa2a9',
venue: 'Clark\'s Venue',
city: 'Clark\'s City',
category: 'drinks',
title: 'Clark\'s Test Event',
attendees: [
displayName: 'Clark',
photoURL: 'https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/events-easy.appspot.com/o/yyGvnLVyU9ZhWwc22kZvkp4XQvp2%2Fuser_images%2Fckl1uknxp0000246211dfg2q9.jpg?alt=media&token=b68b93b9-23b9-4da5-8f01-bac48d6aa2a9',
id: 'yyGvnLVyU9ZhWwc22kZvkp4XQvp2'
photoURL: 'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14GhEWVW4Nd5Jucim0LA27X74EvKk_cLDD9oChDCUrA=s96-c',
id: 'bhYdOtMcIJXm8O6qPDga2XJDbjo1',
displayName: 'Tarun Singh'
displayName: 'Steven',
photoURL: null,
id: 'kFe6MYvJNugJMB8CE0mGBPPXp5r1'
id: 'k5afYEVFyYcL8nv1lq0Ryn9AiKT2',
displayName: 'David',
photoURL: 'https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/events-easy.appspot.com/o/k5afYEVFyYcL8nv1lq0Ryn9AiKT2%2Fuser_images%2Fckl0jwqkf0000246251mjeb5s.jpg?alt=media&token=f1faa75e-0eca-41df-9f1d-cfd84ad14701'
hostedBy: 'Clark',
description: 'Clark\'s Test Description',
attendeeIds: [
date: '2021-02-27T07:00:00.000Z',
id: 'wtIAungLBmpDCvFp5aA0'
comments: [],
moreEvents: true,
selectedEvent: null,
lastVisible: { ... },
filter: 'all',
startDate: '2021-02-26T15:47:30.632Z',
retainState: false

The fetched events are then passed to EventList component and then to EventListItem which renders the events to the screen.

Useful Resources#

  • If you find something unclear or unable to visualize components you can always find pictorial representation of the components here